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Rhodes Hall|豪宅里的华丽邂逅|婚纱照

Updated: Dec 5, 2022



R hodes Hall, a historic mansion completed in 1904, using Stone Mountain granite and featuring medieval Romanesque, Victorian, and Arts and Crafts designs.

这组婚纱照拍摄在Rhodes Hall,是一座完工于1904年,历史感厚重的豪宅。由罗马式复兴风格的石山花岗岩堆砌而成,华丽彩绘玻璃窗和桃花心木楼梯,都是明显的维多利亚时代后期风格。

The most striking element of the inside is a magnificent series of stained and painted glass windows that are located above a carved mahogany staircase. The gentle natural light filters through the window shinning the bride who just stands carefree on the steps.


The outdoor garden is endowed with more vibrant feeling than the indoor mansion. The interweaving of light and shadow makes the whole scene beautiful as a painting.



📷 BonjourBridal

💄 BonjourBridal

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