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Juliette Chapel | 美国东部结婚圣地推荐(一)

I f you wish to have a small, intimate wedding, the Juliette Chapel must be the ideal option.

如果你也向往着举办一场亲密私人的小型婚礼,那么Juliette Chapel一定是最完美的选择~

Juliette Chapel has long been synonymous with elegance, serenity, and simplicity, a place where you can dance with nature. This private space can accommodate up to 70 guests and can be decorated in whatever way you like.

简约质朴、优雅、与自然共舞,一直是Juliette Chapel的代名词。不论是喜欢室内还是偏爱室外,这里都可以满足一切需求,还可以按照自己幻想中的主题风格随心布置,是一处可容下70位客人的私密场所。

The most distinctive feature is the floor-to-ceiling Windows in the church, through which plenty of light shines, brightening the whole interior. When it is chilly and cool, the outside is covered in white snow. In spring and summer, the breathing of the green ocean is close to the ear.


After a rain, an overcast day will bring out the fresh, natural feel of the surrounding woodland.


Juliette Chapel provides the perfect environment for an amazing set of wedding photos.

想要留下一组惊艳的的婚礼照片,Juliette Chapel提供了完美的背景。

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